Memory saves the current look into a slider. Memories are represented by rectangles across the top of the screen and are operated by the sliders.
Any fader location may be chosen by touching it. The selected
location is indicated by a red outline. By default, fader 1
or the next available fader is selected. Although only 20
faders are shown at one time, up to 400 memory locations are available
in a single Memory Page. Use the Leftand
navigation arrows to access
the additional banks
within the page.
Once a fader location is selected, the Memory may be labeled by touching
the keyboard icon next
to Name. Bump
button modes and timings may also be adjusted.
Fade up and fade down times may be associated with each bump button’s action. By default the buttons have a timing of zero seconds.
See How to Record a Memory for step by step instructions on recording Memories.
To quickly designate
a specific location, press the Record button then the Bump button
of the fader where you want the Memory
See Also: