Located at the bottom left of the console, the Grand Master controls the overall intensity of all lights at all times, regardless of how a light’s intensity has been set. Normally, the Grand Master is at full (the top of the fader’s travel). The Grand Master’s level in percentage is show in the Status Bar in the top left hand corner of the touch screen. When the Grand Master is at less than 100%, the level is shown in red as a warning.
Above the Grand Master is the Dead Black Out button. Normally, the button is backlit blue. If the Grand Master is not at its highest position, the Dead Black Out button will glow red.
When pressed, the Dead Black Out button will flash red and all lights will go dark (output intensity falls to zero percent). The intensity levels on the touch screen will be show with a red line above their values.
The Grand Master level will turn red and read [DBO]. Press the button again to restore lights to their previous intensity.
Always warn everyone present before turning off all the lights (blacking out the stage).
If you set a Memory's Priority to 1, intensity levels from that recorded (and active) Memory will not be affected by the Grand Master.
Below the Grand Master is a Shift button . The Shift button accesses short cuts and special features which are described in Other Features Shift Key Magic.