Native HSI DMX Mapping


Although Cognito’s Natural Language Control allows you to mix colors in multiple color spaces (CMY, RGB, HSV) and specify a white point with Color Correction, most lights only utilize either RGB or CMY on the DMX wire. Some manufacturers have defined fixture profiles that expect to see Hue and Saturation in DMX slots. When running these lights on regular DMX consoles, you can run into some pretty peculiar color fades. For example, say your first cue is red defined by a hue of 2%, and your next cue is a pink defined with a DMX value of 80%, when you fade from cue to cue, you will see almost every color in the rainbow before pink. This is normally quite undesirable. Natural Language Control allows you to drive native HSI lights with the DMX they expect, but fade from cue to cue in any color space to produces much more predictable transitions. From a DMX standpoint, that means a fade may jump from a Hue approaching 100% right down to 0% and carry on upwards - all imperceptible without you having to worry about how to get from one color to the next.


See NLC - Color Spaces for graphical examples of HSV fades.