The DMX input port can receive DMX512 levels from another controller and use that information to trigger Memories.  

You can select which Memory Page the DMX triggers and the starting Memory number. Slot #1 from the DMX will control the first memory and subsequent memories will be controlled by the following DMX slots.


html_help_contents.png NOTE

When DMX In is mapped to a Memory page and DMX is present at the In port, you cannot control the Memories manually. The DMX will always "win" and change whatever level you set on the sliders.


You need to specify what Memories you'd like to control and how.

  1. From the Input/Output screen in Setup, arrow down to "DMX Input"CogDMXInSliders.png
  2. Use the Yellow Wheel uber_tool_artboards_bug_a.png to set the Input Protocol. Select DMX if you're using the 5-Pin DMX IN connector on the rear of the console.
  3. Use the Green Wheel uber_tool_artboards_bug_c.png to select the Memory Page.
  4. Use the Blue Wheel uber_tool_artboards_bug_d.png to select the first Memory (Memory Offset) in the selected Memory Page you want to control with the first slot of DMX.
  5. Choose either Slider or Button.
  6. Press Apply programming_artboards_OK.png.

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You can also receive eDMX from controllers using the Pathport Protocol, sACN E1.31 or Art-Net by changing the Input Protocol from DMX. In that case you must choose a Universe number as well from the edit box which will appear when the Input Protocol is not DMX.